“Shutter Dulai” is a remake of the Malayalam super hit film, “Shutter” has been postponed to 10th June. The film was supposed to be released on 27th May. It is heard that the reason behind the postponement of the film is
Pawan Kumar
directorial, “U – Turn.” Last week, “U – Turn” released in Mangalore in Jyothi cinemas. Although the opening was dull, the film managed to get the attention of the people, after a week. Many people are visiting the theater following the positive reports. So, Shutter Dulai’s director Shashikanth and the hero Mitra do not want to disturb the collection. Hence, they decided to postpone their movie release to June. This kind of helping tendency is really appreciable, isn’t it! Shutter Dulai has
Jai Jagadish
, Anitha Bhatt and Mitra in the prominent roles. We wish the Shutter Julai team to get success in their venture!