“Hai” is the upcoming Kannada film scripted and directed by “Rudresh.” The film was launched four years ago. Due to some undisclosed reasons, the film had been hibernating in the box. Now, it is dusted and decorated for the release. Jessie Gift composed the tunes for the lyrics penned by “V
Nagendra Prasad
.” Yash Raj,
Jai Jagadish
, Sania, Killer Venkatesh and
Sadhu Kokila
are in the main star cast. Nagendra Prasad, the lyricist of the film was invited for the audio launch. He released the songs along with NM Suresh. Nagendra Prasad was in the headlines, a few days back for his lyrics Gin Gin Nagin in the film, Uppu Huli Khara. The song has
Ragini Dwivedi
, who does a cameo role in the movie. Stay tuned with us for the latest updates on Sandalwood!