,” the second film by the Bhandari brothers after the super hit of “RangiTaranga,” has created huge expectations. Scheduled for the January 26th release, the film had been postponed to March 23rd. Already the director announced that as the film hadn’t be censored in Telugu, the release had been delayed. Though they could release the films separately, the team didn’t do so, as it might be a spoiler to the Telugu fans. The director posted, “March 23rd it is! As the Telugu version is yet to be censored and there are examinations during first 2 weeks of March, we have decided on this date.” The film is the debut for “
,” the Tamil hero. While Anup Bhandari composed the songs, B Ajaneesh Loknath scored the background music.
Nirup Bhandari
Avantika Shetty
and P Ravishankar play the lead roles. Jolly Hits banner produces the film.
William David
cranked the camera. The Telugu version is titled as “Rajaratham.”