” directed by “
R Chandru
,” released today as Republic Day special amidst huge expectations. The film has
Duniya Vijay
in the lead role. Manvitha Harish plays the heroine and “
” plays a pivotal role in this film. As per the story, Kanaka, the auto driver, didn’t get the love and affection from his father, who considers him as an evil symbol, as he was born on a new moon day. The journey of the good-hearted auto driver to prove his father that he is not a bad omen is spoken in this film. This film is definitely a good treat for the fans of Duniya Vijay. Kanaka has action sequences and romantic sequences to fulfill the youngsters’ wish. However, Haripriya’s role is limited and Manvitha showcases enough to attract the audiences. Watch our review page to know more about this emotional action entertainer!