This show is a 2012 Kannada entertainment fiction series produced by the banner Sharavana Telefilms. Starring Sushma in the lead, who is famous television actress and better known for her role in Lakumi, this show premiered on the channel Zee Kannada on 2nd July 2012. Conceptualized by Kannada movie director Prakash, who is famous for his works such as Milan, Khushi and who made his debut as a Tv producer in the television industry with the show Lakumi, which he produced under his home banner Jai Mata Combines, this show revolves around the protagonist Kanaka and her struggle to fight her hard circumstances.
The serial traces the life of a 24-year-old girl named Kanaka, who though from a humble background is hardworking and wants to become a police officer. However, due to her fragile financial condition and family circumstances, she is forced to become a bus conductor. Kanaka does not wish to become a bus conductor like her father, who too was a bus conductor but due to her trivial conditions she had to forgo her other dreams and thus reluctantly takes up the job. Further, in the serial we are given a glimpse of Kanaka's love life as the son of the bus driver of Kanaka's bus falls in love with her. Then one fine day Kanaka comes across an advertisement which was published by a rich man who has lost his daughter and is searching for her since last 18 years.
He announces in the advertisement that anybody who will successfully find his daughter will be rewarded heavily, to be precise in lakhs of rupees. The advertisement triggers the subdued policemen in Kanaka, and she decides to investigate into the case of the rich man's missing daughter in the hope that she will be successful as well as will be able to uplift her family's condition. This investigation results in a various twist and turns in the show which forms the crux of the story which unfolds in a unique manner. As said in an interview by The head of the channel, Dr. Gautham Machaiah Muckatira Gautham Machaiah is a hard-working India >> Read More... the aim of the show was to showcase the condition and struggles of the lower middle-class families to the people of Kannada through television.
The show only added to the lead actress's popularity which she gained from her previous show Lakumi. The show's screenplay was written by Shankar Billemana, and it's dialogues were written by Keshav Chandra Keshav Chandra is an Indian lyricist, playback sin >> Read More... . The episode director of the show was Bharatish. The show was telecasted on the channel every week from Monday to Friday at 9:00 pm.