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Buguri To Give Way To Aatagaara

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015
Buguri To Give Way To Aatagaara

A lot of people believe in superstitions and many producers have their own list of favorite theatres, which they claim are auspicious for them. Those theatres will then become the main theatre of their movie and that certain movie will end up being screened the longest.

The film Aatagaara is produced by ' Dwarakish Bungle Shama Rao Dwarakanath on 19th August 1942, >> Read More... ' and helmed by ' K M Chaitanya K.M. Chaitanya is a theater actor, director and do >> Read More... '. The producer believes that the Bengaluru Santosh theatre is lucky for him. But the film Buguri, which stars ' Ganesh Ganesh is an Indian actor and a producer who predo >> Read More... ', is already being screened there. However, the film is not doing well so it will make way for Aatagaara this Friday.

Let’s just wait and see if Santosh Theatre is lucky for Dwarakish.