“Chowka” is the upcoming Kannada film featuring Vijay Raghavendra, Prem Kumar, Prajwal Devaraj, “Diganth,” “Priyamani,” Bhavana Menon, Aindrita Ray and Deepa Sannidhi in the lead roles. Darshan Thoogudeep plays a special role in the film. Tarun Sudhir directs the film. “Dwarakish” produces the film on a large scale. It is interesting to hear that it is the 50th film of the producer cum actor. His son Yogish Dwarakish is happy on the recent hit of a song from the film, which was released online. It is Appa I Love You song from the film that has gone viral. The song has got three lakh hits online within a week. The popular heroines Sruthi Hariharan, “Amulya,” Mayuri Kyatri, “Tara,” “Shruti,” Shraddha Srinath, Pooja Gandhi, Meghna Raj and Pranitha Subhash expressed that they turned emotional after listening to the song. If you haven’t listened to it, download it online and enjoy.