Season 1 Episode 7 – (Domestic Violence)
Season 1 Episode 1 (Female foeticide in India)
Season 1 Episode 9 (Alcohol abuse)
Season 1 Episode 2 (Child sexual abuse)
Season 1 Episode 10 (Casteism and Untouchability)
Season 1 Episode 6 (Physical Disabilities)
Season 1 Episode 4 (Medical Malpractices)
Season 2 Episode 3 (Solid Waste Management)
Season 2 Episode 1 (Rape in India)
Season 3 Episode 3 (LGBT Community)
Satyamev Jayate is a show where they raise numerous issues that take place in our country, and how we need to take care of these issues. Here are the top ten issues of Satyamev Jayate so far.
This episode of Satyamev Jayate looks at the serious problem of domestic violence in India. Almost every woman in India goes through domestic violence, either verbally or physically, and in most cases, both.
Female foeticide was the first episode of the first season, and the show had already received good and positive feedback. It was a serious issue that was taken up against the Indian society about daughters.
This episode looked at the problem of alcoholism in India. They showed different men talking about their personal stories, where they suffered due to too much of consumption of alcohol. This show showed the viewers a very scary side of alcohol consumption.
Child abuse in India was the point of focus in this episode. It was a bold move of the show team to bring up this issue, as it is being neglected most of the time by the Indian society. To create awareness, this episode had a workshop for children.
Untouchability and casteism were the two topics looked at in this episode. This is an issue which is always debated upon and needs to be diminished.
People with disabilities need a little more push to work better. Physical disability was the issue focused on in this episode. There are people with disabilities who try hard to fight for their basic rights; this episode highlighted this struggle.
The issue of health care system was focused on in this episode. They spoke to the viewers about general medicines being available at a lower cost, and are in no way not worth it, as they are the same as the branded ones.
This episode showed the significance of solid waste management and how the municipal corporations of India neglect the managing of wastes in the cities.
Rape occurs every hour of the day. The figures and facts of rape that take place in India was the issue that this episode looked through. It also spoke about those individuals who were raped and survived being raped, and their fight and need for justice.
The LGBT community faces many problems in our country, India. This episode brought out this topic for discussion. Being Gay or Lesbian isn’t a disease, and neither do they affect other people, they are just normal human beings, and in our society we need to accept them while treating them normally.