Recently, gorgeous Kareena turned mummy by delivering a baby boy who made whole Khan & Kapoor family too happy for them. It’s hard to maintain the perfect figure for every woman after pregnancy let it be Bollywood Diva or anyone. Kareena maintained the figure so well and got into perfect shape immediately after delivery.
The UP Bihar girl of Bollywood has stolen many hearts. She has always given the body goals to many women out there! She had a healthy pregnancy period which left Shilpa fatty but she lost all of that with Yoga and diet very firmly, and results are easily seen as now we have seen Shilpa all fit and fine after turning Mummy.
The gorgeous Aishwarya has done a great job since years and still doing well till now. We recently saw her in ADHM with a perfect body and the ultimate beauty. Aishwarya too turned fat after pregnancy but lost it very soon, and we can see the results now.
Popularly known for her Aditi role in ‘Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na’ movie and few more, we have seen Genelia dong beautifully in the Bollywood. She had a healthy pregnancy. Though she left Bollywood after her marriage life, that didn’t lead her to forget to maintain the body. She did a strict workout and got back into shape after pregnancy.
Queen Khan of Bollywood,famous for her choreography and much more is doing great since many years. She surprised everyone by delivering “Triplets.” She attended many ‘Slim Down’ programs and worked accordingly and lost many Kilos after pregnancy.
The beautiful Lara Dutta has done a very few but important roles in the Bollywood. She has always maintained her body with Yoga, and she didn’t leave Yoga in her tough Pregnancy days as well. After pregnancy immediately she was seen in great shape.
The Bollywood Prettiness known for her single name and different talents has served a lot and very well in the Bollywood. She rocked her pregnancy and came back into shape after the pregnancy within a short time.
The Bollywood girl known for her “Dhak Dhakness” has been there since a lot of time. She is anamazing dancer and a talented actress. She turned Mummy of two and still looks like a single beauty. She came in perfect shape in a very shorter period after delivery.
The bold Rani has done a lot of different roles in Bollywood. In her real life as well she has to do many roles with perfection. She has time and again proved herself well. She too came back in shape after delivery in a gradual period.
Though rare but we have seen Konkona doing very important and strong roles in the Bollywood. Her movies like Page 3, Fashion and Wake up Sid give people a lot of inspiration. She like many other Bollywood beauties stood fit even after turning Mummy!