Bebo, the well reputed Kapoor brat, has earned her fame by her authentic and fabulous roles. She made her own identity even after having a Film Industry family background. Though, she had acting in her blood, she won the hearts of her fans by her roles, which made her a superstar. Although she was not the only Kapoor in the industry – she had her sister beside her – she made sure people knew her for her work. She handled all the taunts and critics and one day won them over. The process took time and the following movies are examples where she conquered the industry.
She played the role of a diva here, who was obsessed with her beauty and style. She didn’t consider anyone human and just ramped over everyone’s feelings. She has this amazing accent, which is the main contribution for dubsmash presently. Bebo enacted the role like she owned the stage and literally meant it. She won many hearts and gave girls some styling and speaking tips too.
Here, Bebo played a fabulous role of a hooker. She wore bright clothes and did bright make up to imbibe the role. The glittering Bindi added the bling. She tries to seduce the lead in the most sensuous way. She tries to play the part very well and succeeds also.
Welcome, the Bollywood warrior, Kareena Kapoor. She plays a princess who is running from evil to protect her brother. During her run and chase, she falls for Asoka (played by SRK) and falls for him. She changed him and brought happiness to his life. It was quite a challenging role and Bebo played it very well. The expressions she showed were on point. Some scenes demanded her mild nature and some were fierce. Kareena played every part perfectly.
Bebo put life into this character. She plays the role of medical student that falls for a boy studying in her father’s engineering college. She is sober on outside and a crazy bombshell on the inside. The girl is shown how to be spontaneous and fun loving by this boy (played by
Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan or Mohammed Aamir Hussain Khan is Bolly >> Read More...
). She knows when to act maturely and when to be weird. In the last scene, she plays the role of a runaway bride who is searching for her love and is on a scooter. This definitely gives us some bride goals.
Have you ever seen a beautiful ghost like her? Kareena just gets inside the character so well that she literally lives it. In this movie, she is a ghost who is helping a policeman stop the business of prostitution. She does it because she lost her life doing it and wanted to save other girls. She is seen only by the kind-hearted policeman and gives hints to him about what he should do. She did justice to the role.
This blockbuster movie had all sorts of elements and Kareen had the best part. She played a chatter box who was a 24X7 radio and talked about everything and nothing. She had a fear of missing trains and was Punjabi by birth and heart. Geet (played by Bebo) wanted to do anything that came to her mind without thinking twice and never regret it. She is also shown as heartbroken when her lover rejects her. She then becomes mature and a grown up, but we all miss the All-time radio. She then finds her real happiness in the boy she met on the train and has a happy life ahead. The role was entertaining and so was Bebo’s performance.
This can be called as the most mature role played by Kareena till date. Here, she plays the part of a teacher who falls for a Muslim guy, which she considers fate. She was to go for a job in the United States and gets married before going. They both lived happily until she realizes she was used by her own husband to come to US and plan a terrorist attack. The look in eyes was intense, filled with hatred, and disgust at being cheated on.
This movie taught us many things about life. Kareena slayed the role by her bubbly acting and lively nature. She had the role of a girl who is witty and wore her heart on the sleeve. She is a daddy’s girl. No matter what, she told everything to her him, which made us all want to borrow her parents. She had a go-with-the-flow nature and we all loved that. She met a depressed guy at a bar and changed his life forever. She taught him to live. This is essentially a twisted remake of the english movie, What Happened in Vegas.
This girl has talented blood in her. She pulled off the tapoori role flawlessly. She plays an orphan who is attached to her adopted family and is really bad at handling issues. She is short tempered, impulsive and does things without a single thought. But in the end she does everything to unite her family.
This cute love story had a not-so-happy ending. Here, Kareena played the role of a rich girl who fell in love with her bodyguard. She called him by all sorts of names except his own, made him run random errands, and would keep him running around with no actual work but eventually fell in love with him. The role was perfectly enacted by Bebo. In the end, her best friend ditched her and took the love of her life.