So, maybe you never thought a movie could be banned in theaters, right? It is possible when a movie is full of violence, shows anything against the law, and viewers get the wrong impact.
The Interview caused headlines for several reasons. The movie revolves around CIA officials who hired two protagonists to kill Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of North Korea. North Korean officials dot the film promoted hatred and violence against North Korea. Therefore, the movie was a ban from theaters.
The Exorcist is about Reagan, a young child possessed by a strong demon who made her act insane. The film was controversial at the time of release. The Exorcist formed on a true story, which makes it a more scary movie. It came at a cost as the film was not as beloved by everyone because of the religious depictions and the grotesque events. The movie was a ban in many cities. The film was so horrifying that there are countless stories of ambulance calls because a moviegoer had fainted or went into shock because of its fear factor.
Arguably the funniest justification for a film being a ban was from Scandinavia. It banned kids from watching ET because it made adults look like jerks. In Finland, Norway, and Sweden, those under 12 years old are not allowed to see the movie. It was because government officials in those Scandinavian countries found the film harmful to the minds of young children.
The Human Centipede raised eyebrows with its release to make it as brief as possible. The film is about a scientist who kidnaps innocent people and stitches their faces to the rear ends of others. It was a ban in the UK, and the board was responsible for deciding its films in the UK should be banned.
If there is any irony extraction from the creation, then it's at the original creator never saw the movie released in theaters. Several rumors involving extortion were involved. Did he die because he created the shocking film? However, the film creates so much controversy that it could be the case. It focuses on a group of rich fascists and Mussolini's Italy. The fascists kidnap a group of teenage girls and boys can force the teenagers to go through emotional, sexual, and physical torture throughout the movie.
Zoolander was a ban in Singapore and Malaysia for featuring a plot to kill Malaysia's Prime Minister. According to Singapore's Board of Film censors, the film was a ban for controversial features. Zoolander's movie revolves around a male model with self-esteem issues named Derek Zoolander, who manipulated into assassinating the Malaysian Prime Minister for trying to blackmail the fashion industry into raising the minimum wage.
While a 2010 poll by UK movie Magazine, total films cited The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as the best horror film of all time. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a ban in the UK for many years, directed by Tobe Hooper. The BBFC rejected it for its graphic violence and disturbing scenery and a ban it in Britain until 1988.
When the film opened in theaters, several countries were unsure as to how to handle the film's controversial narrative. Scorsese's work raised many eyebrows across the globe because it depicted nudity, drugs, and sex. The movie was a ban in Malaysia, Nepal, and India, as stated by the Hollywood Reporter. UAE censored portions seen as offensive, one of the more notable banned scenes was the orgy scene where
Jonah Hill
Jonah Hill Feldstein works as an Actor, comedian a >> Read More...
touches himself in public.
While Americans could see it, the British could not for nearly 30 years. The film has banned by Stanley Kubrick himself. Shortly after its release, copycat murders started to occur. As time passed, a group of people chanting and singing in the rain, just like in the movie, molested a young woman. Stanley withheld the film from British fans for a couple of decades.
The Simpsons Movie was released years ago and hit many viewers. The movie has banned due to its red and yellow colors. From iconic catchphrases like spider pig to the premise of the film, iconic compared to other animated films, relatively tame, especially when paired up with South Park. Still, the movie did not make it to Burma. The more absurd is that the film was not good because of the colors associated with rebel groups in Burma.