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Hollywood Celebrities Supporting Social Causes

Hollywood Celebrities Supporting Social Causes English Article

Hollywood Celebs supporting social causes is indeed commendable because this world needs empathy and love, that too at the right time. In this regard, there are some Hollywood celebs who concentrate not only on minting money, but also involve themselves in supporting social causes that they believe in. Here is an exclusive list of such celebs who are also famous in India

1. Angelina Jolie Who will not be stung with her “pouting lips?” Ang >> Read More...

The humanitarian side of Angelina Jolie is indeed a glaring proof that beauty is skin deep. Apart from her drop-dead gorgeous looks she is also known for her philanthropist activities. She not only voiced her opinion on the refugee crisis but also volunteered on the field to help people. There is also the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, which is earnest in removing poverty from villages. It also concentrates on safeguarding natural resources and protecting wildlife. Also, Jolie is the Goodwill Ambassador of UNHCR and feels that refugees should be empathized with. Jolie also became socially involved at political intensity; she occasionally attends charity causes for refugees. In fact, Jolie is brave enough to visit dangerous areas to support her cause. The beautiful couple, Jolie and Pitt, give millions of dollars as donation every year.

2. Oprah Winfrey “Oprahfication” a coined-word by Wall Street Journ >> Read More...

Next to Jolie in this list is the amiable Oprah Winfrey. She has donated a lot of money for supporting social causes. Apart from her own foundation, Oprah is actively involved in the Clinton Foundation. One notable cause that this foundation supports is treatment of people with HIV-AIDS. Oprah has found a perfect platform through the Oprah Winfrey Show to enunciate on the nobleness of supporting social causes. Oprah is indeed generous enough to write a will that will give 1 million dollars as donation to charity.

3. Brad Pitt He’s one of the most accomplished actors of our ti >> Read More...

The third person to adorn this list is none other than Jolie’s handsome beau Brad Pitt. He is involved in supporting social causes at the global level. The damage caused by Hurricane Katrina made him contemplate and after much thought, he organized a meeting of experts. The Make It Right Foundation is a nonprofit venture which aims at helping those with houses by funding and building 150 houses. Pitt, along with his wife, donates a huge amount of money for the needy. The Jolie-Pitt Foundation is a noble venture by this couple to eradicate poverty. Pitt is also involved with Not On Our Foundation which gives humanitarian support at junctures where the government fails. Africa is the main focus of Jolie’s and Pitt’s social efforts.

4. Tom Hanks I quote his famous line “Mama always said life was >> Read More...

Tom Hanks is indeed a thoughtful person off the big screen. He participated in a charity show for those who succumbed to injuries during the 9/11 attacks. He is also associated with the National Space Society. He fervently supports environmental protection.

5. Robin Williams Robin Williams is a legendary actor and comedian. >> Read More...

Williams was another star who participated in America: A Tribute to Heroes. He also gave support to Prince’s Trust. He used his Attention Deficit Disorder to make people laugh. He had been involved in various charitable causes ranging from human rights and environmental safety to education. His association with Comic Relief, which aids the homeless, has been his most significant endeavour. He acted extremely benevolently when he donated his full proceeds obtained from the shows he appeared in in New Zealand, to those who had succumbed to a deadly natural calamity in Christchurch.



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