Bachelor Party is a Kannada-language comedy film written and directed by Abhijit Mahesh, involving laughter, escapades, and adventure. It stars a talented cast of Diganth, Achyuth Kumar, and Yogesh in the lead roles. The film was produced by Rakshith Shetty, and the cinematography was handled by Arvind S. Kashyap.
Santosh (played by Diganth), the main character of this story, has everything but "santhosh" (happiness) in his life. He lives his life being continuously tortured by his wife Sandhya (played by Siri Ravikumar), who he claims loves the maid more than him. She is rigid, uptight and doesn't l...
Hadinelentu is a Kannada-language film released in 2022. Revolving around a poignant coming-of-age narrative and a sharp social commentary, the film was directed by Prithvi Konanur. It stars Sherlyn Bhosale and Neeraj Matthew.
The name of the film, Hadinelentu, is derived from two Kannada words -- hadinelu, meaning 17, and hadinentu, meaning 18. This is a very carefully planned detail in the context of the film.
Hadinelentu starts with the visuals of a college campus bustling with students. Life is going about normally, with the rush of the day to day student life.