K Munisankar is an Indian film director. He belongs to South India and directs movies in the Tamil language. He has directed the Tamil film which is famous among the audience with the name “KizhakeaUdhithaKadhal.“ It is a feature film which got released in cinemas on 9th of January in the year 2015 in India and came under the U/A category. Its time duration is 1 hour 52 minutes.
It is a movie which comes under comedy genre and also contains lots of drama put by K Munisankar in the film. He is also the screenplay writer of the picture. His film is made under the production of the film producer A Abdul Kareem with the production company known as AAM Movies. DP Rajasekhar was the director of photography, and CR Ravikiraan was the music director of his film who gave his music to the songs of his creation picture.
The music is made under the music label named as “ Faceon Media, “ and the choreography was by the choreographer RB Siva. Munisankar gave the lead roles to the actors Aariyan, Lisha, and SumalathaAmbarish and Bonda Mani Bonda Mani, is one among the popular comedians in >> Read More... played the role of a supporting actor. He showed the life story of a beggar Aryan, born into a family of orthodox thinking who roamed the streets in search of various things. He used to earn his living by picking up rags on roads and later sell it to the shopkeepers to have something to eat at the end of the day.
He has also put another character named Madhan whose family also has same mint set as Aryan’s. He is in love with another character named Lissy who is his neighbor. One more person called Gurudev is in the story who disturbs them. While Gurudev’s sister falls in love with Aryan, he puts so many efforts to make Aryan understand her feelings towards him and how much she loves him but even after so many trials, he behaves madly.
When Gurudev and his mother gets to know about this, they decide to send her out of the town. The rest of the picture shows the remaining part of their love story. This picture took K Munisankar’s great efforts and hard work. He wanted it to be a big hit but unfortunately, it did not happen, but it got love from many of his audience.