The camera being his life, Shaji Kumar has spent his life working behind the lens. A cinematographer with wild ideas and styles of his own, makes this man a true gem. He has targeted and gave blockbuster movies to Kollywood and Mollywood. Born in Kochi, Kerala, he started his professional career by using the lens of his camera for capturing the scenes written in scripts in Malayalam. He has spent many hours working with leading filmmakers like Shaji Kailas Shaji Kailas is an Indian film director who direct >> Read More... , Joshi, Vinayan and Vysakh and has learned from their styles and techniques to manage projects in Kollywood. He now has extended his work with the renowned hero in Tollywood actor Prashanth for the project ‘ Saagasam Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ in 2016. He has received laurels and applause for the movie ‘Ponnar Shankar’ in 2011 and also for shooting 'Mambattiyan' in 2011 and lately 'Saagasam' in 2016.
His films include 'Uthaman' in 2001, directed by Anil Babu starring Jayaram and Sindhu Menon Sindhu Menon is among the few actors and >> Read More... . Then comes ' Valkannadi Valkannadi is a popular interactive women lifestyl >> Read More... ' in 2002, directed by Anil Babu. He worked with Anil Babu again on 'Pakalppooram' in 2002, with VM Vinu on the movie 'Kanmashi' in 2002, and 'Ammakilikkoodu' in 2003, directed by M.Padmakumar. He worked on movies like 'Pattanathil Sundaran' in 2003, directed by Vipin Mohan Vipin Mohan is an Indian actor, director, and cine >> Read More... , 'Njan Salperu Ramankutty' in 2004, directed by Anil Babu, ' Vellinakshatram Vellinakshatram is a Malayalam dubbed serial on Ze >> Read More... ' in 2004, directed by Vinayan, and with director Vinayan on 'Sathyam' in 2004, 'Vesham' in 2004, directed by VM Vinu, also under the movie 'Yes Your Honor' in 2006 with the same director. With the famous Shaji Kalidas, he has done a film called 'Baba Kalyani' in 2006.
He had the opportunity to work with Janardhanan, and the Malayalam hit actor Mohanlal in ' Mahasamudram Click to look into! >> Read More... ' in 2006 and with Joshiy, under the name Nasrani in 2007. With Johnny Antony, he has worked for the film ‘ Cycle Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ in 2008 and much more. He has tasted the essence of work through many leading actors and directors in Malayalam. He deems himself as a perfectionist of directing and mastering his perception behind the lens which later earned him his name amidst the Hall of Fame forever. He has worked hard to earn this place and is still earning his way to the top to produce many blockbusters. His films have a unique style which was inspired from his experiences. Few films like 'Ponnar Shankar' and 'Mambattiyan' have hit the blockbusters and remains for ages in the hearts of the people. He has created a new aspect of films and coaxed many minds into the field of cinema.