Amar Upadhyay had started out as a small-time Indian actor. He was born in Mumbai in 1976 and studied chemical engineering. When Upadhyay was asked what led to his interest into acting in films and shows, he responds with having difficulty in finding a proper job during which he was also doing small advertisements for different products. Soon after this, he began to take up roles in tele-serials.
His first offer was in 1993 with the TV series Dekh Bhai DekhOne of the most popular and hilarious Indian TV sh >> Read More.... After this, there followed a many number of different television series like, Kalash, Mehndi Tere Naam Ki (2001-2002) and many others. However, his big time break came in 2000 with director Ekta Kapoor’s loved soap opera Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi in which Amar plays a character named Mihir. When his character was “killed off” in the show viewers were outraged and upset by the whole show and tons of calls came into the office inquiring about Upadhyay’s wellbeing and why his character in the show was scripted to die.