In Bollywood, we have seen so many models and actress worked in a daily t.v serials to a hit movie. One of them is a beautiful and gorgeous, Tulip joshi. Tulip worked in a well known hindi film MERE YAAR KI SHADI HAI. This film become very popular as the director of this film is the most romantic and successful director YASH CHOPRA. Joshi is an actress and also a model in Indian fashion industry. Not only she worked in hindi films but she also worked in telugu , Malayalam and kannada. This shows her best quality of versatility of being an actress. She was born in Mumbai by a gujarati father and an Armenian mother. She completed her education in Mumbai here she turned her life to the Indian fashion industry, entered in femina miss india. Tulip worked in number of advertisement of various brands like ponds, pepsi, B.P.L, siyaram suitings etc. Her remarkable performance in Matrubhoomi will always appreciable. She also worked in Punjabi film. We also seen this beautiful face as an actress of starplus t.v serial airlines. Because of her good height she was taken for this character but this show was off due to the lower ratings.