Hailing from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Ashima Sharma is a Bollywood actress, dancer and former student activist. Having a Master’s degree in Kathak, an indigenous Indian dance form, Sharma completed her higher education from Mahila PG Mahavidyalaya in Jodhpur, where she was also involved with the BJP’s student wing, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad or ABVP. At one time in her political career, she had reportedly also worked with the International Brahman Samaj and had once been University President of her alma mater.
According to reports, her talent in the performing arts was discovered by veteran director Sachindra Sharma Sachindra Sharma is a Bollywood screenwriter and d >> Read More... during a college event in her hometown, and she has never had to look back since. She made her Bollywood debut with the Rakhi Sawant Rakhi Sawant, the well-known drama queen of the In >> Read More... starrer ‘Mumbai Can Dance Saala’, released on the 2nd of January, 2015. The film was based loosely on the life of the so-called ‘crorepati bar dancer’ Tarannum Khan. In the movie, Ashima played the lead character, Aliya, Tarannum in all but name. The film opens with her arrest in a betting racket, wherein she pleads innocent.
It then goes on to trace her rise and fall in the Mumbai black markets, with the protagonist getting involved in various messy and dubious situations that ultimately lead to her downfall. Apart from Sharma and Sawant, the film also featured well-known actors such as Aditya Pancholi Aditya Pancholi is one of the well known actors o >> Read More... , Shakti Kapoor Personal life: Shakti Kapoor was born in Delhi, In >> Read More... and Prashant Narayanan Prashant Narayanan is a renowned Indian actor, bor >> Read More... . Although the film did not ultimately succeed at the box office, it launched Ashima’s acting career. Her upcoming film ‘Sayonara Fir Milenge’ with Sharman Joshi Sharman Joshi was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra to a >> Read More... is soon to be released in theatres. She is also slated to play a negative character in an upcoming Rahul Dev Rahul Dev is an Indian model turned film and telev >> Read More... film.
Unknown to many of her fans, Ashima is also a karate specialist, and played a boxing champion in ‘Hum toh Hai Tumhare’, cementing her athletic credentials along with her acting abilities. She is passionate about dance and continues to learn Kathak from veteran dancer Vijayshree Chaudhary in Mumbai, where she has now moved to pursue acting full-time. Sharma also owns and operates a dance academy in Jodhpur and is politically active in her home state of Rajasthan. She says she is inspired by veteran actress and Rajya Sabha MP Rekha and wants to someday emulate her success, both on screen and off it. While Ashima still has a pretty long way to go to achieve that dream, she seems to be moving towards her destination remarkably fast.