Vineet Kumar Singh an Indian film actor has come to the prominence in 2012, when the film ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ released and he played the role of Danish Khan. His debut film was ‘City of Gold’.
Vineet Singh was born in Varanasi in a Thakur family. He was born into a family of academics and he himself was an avid sport person. He took interest in sports and won many medals and awards in sports. Throughout his student life he was a laurel for his educational institutions. He spent a few years of his early age in Hardwar but later he came back to Varanasi for completing his education. He ,though having a medical license in Ayurveda, yet he did not want to be a doctor, instead he wanted to step into the tinsel town. He had a checkered career. He dabbled in different fields like Sports, Medicine, Screenwriting, but his real talent was hidden in acting.
He started his career as an Assistant Director. While learning film making, he nourished his talent too. He became a talented artist as he could understand the basic technicalities of acting. And he had the quality to adept any Indian languages to speak, As a result he was offered Bengali film and Marathi film to act, there also he flourished and had left a mark of acting.
Mahesh ManjrekarMahesh Manjrekar is a renowned actor, director and >> Read More... took him as a directorial assistant. Mahesh had given him the chance to act as a lead role in his social film ‘City of Gold ’and this was Vineet’s real break through. After that he rides only to the sky and had never turned back. Today he is a successful actor in Bollywood.