Airtel Super Singer 2 is a Tamil reality TV show that aired on Vijay TV in 2008. This premiered as the second season of the Airtel Super Singer series and is a singing-based reality competition. A special panel of judges assesses the performance of some musically talented people who appeared for public auditions and cleared the auditions. The auditions were made public so more people can get the chance to showcase their hidden singing talents. The contestants who were selected were able to move to the next rounds of the competition. The judges included Sujatha, P. Unnikrishnan, and Srinivas. Chinmayi hosted the show and after her, Malini Yugendran and Yugendran Vasudevan Nair took over. Ananth Vaidyanathan Ananth Vaidyanathan, born in Jamshedpur in the yea >> Read More... was the voice trainer. Ajeesh was declared the winner of the competition.
Another Version of the Show...
Super Singer is a popular singing television reality show based on a singing competition that aired on Star Vijay. It is like a talent hunt show for singers. The show has run for about four seasons which clearly is because of the immense viewership and popularity of the show. The aim is to attract good and talented singers from across the state and bring them to light. The second season of Super Singer premiered on 7th July 2008. The judges for the season were Unnikrishnan, Srinivas, and Sujatha. Till January 2009, Chinmayi had hosted the show while Malini Yugendran and Yugendran Vasudevan Nair were the hosts after Chinmayi. The contestants in this season were trained by Ananth Vaidyanathan.
The winner of the first season Nikhil Mathew Nikhil Mathew is an Indian playback singer, who us >> Read More... had already inspired many others like him in the state to take part and show their talent and also be supervised by such famous personalities in the music industry. Auditions took place in Tiruchirapalli, Chennai as well as Coimbatore. The participation experienced by the judges was enormous. It was largely on account of the immense prospects that the show offered to the winners. Just in one season, Super singer was able to attract a lot of attention from the viewers. In contrast to the first season, the second one did not experience many senior people participating. Rather it saw mostly young adults taking part. The people who participated ranged from semi-professionals to amateurs. The aim of the season was to bring to light amazing voices. Special guests for the season were Vani Jairam Vani Jairam is a South Indian playback singer in I >> Read More... , S. P. Balasubramanyaam, and Janaki amongst others.
Out of the total participants, Ajeesh, Ravi, Renu, Vijay Narayan, and Raginisri made it to the finals. However, Ravi, Ranjani, Ajeesh, Renu, and Prasanna reached the finals where Prasanna and Ranajani were eliminated in the last level. The second season of Super Singer was won by Ajeesh. Ravi was announced as the first runner-up and Renu was the second runner-up. The show surely gained a lot of popularity after the first season but the second one made the viewers coming back for more. With every season a new concept was added to the show thus making it different for viewers keeping in mind the concept and the backdrop as well. It is certain that the method of training the contestants was really professional by giving them a lot of challenges and genres to deal with.