Tamil Tv Serial Vaidehi Kathirunthal

Vaidehi Kathirunthal Tamil TV SERIALS on Star Vijay
3.40 / 5.00
4.06 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Vaidehi Kathirunthal is a drama serial that was written by V. Padmavathy and Pradeep Panicker Pradeep Panicker is a former theatre playwright wh >> Read More... , and directed by Siva Sekar Siva Sekar is a director primarily working in the >> Read More... . The serial premiered on 20th December 2021 and continued up until the 4th of February 2022. It has a total of 37 episodes, each with a running time of approximately 20-22 minutes. The story revolves around a woman named Vaidehi. The serial begins by showing the viewers Vaidehi's past with her family. In the past, we see a young girl named Vaidehi living happily with her mother and grandmother named Amuthanayaki.

Amuthanayaki is depicted as a kind and generous woman who adores her granddaughter. However, their little family is ruined when Vaidehi goes missing at the village fair leaving the whole family devastated. Even after a lot of searching, they were not able to find Vaidehi leaving Amuthanayaki andVaidehi's mother heartbroken. A few years later Vaidehi's mother dies untimely and Amuthanayaki is left with her son named Anand. The serial now switches back to the present where we see Vaidehi still alive and who now goes by the name of Poornima.

Poornima has dedicated her life to offering false witness accounts in court and makes a living out of it. As fate would have it, Poornima is asked to pose as Vaidehi in exchange for money. This is done by Vaidehi's relatives in order to inherit Amuthanayaki's wealth falsely. When Poornima reaches the house she begins to remember her past and original identity and eventually manages to realize and grasp the whole situation. How she fights for her true rights and eventually reunites with her grandmother constitutes the rest of the series.


Reshma Pasupuleti Tamil Anchor
DOB: 23 July 1977
Reshma Pasupuleti
Poornitha Kalyani Tamil TV-Actress
DOB: 23 November 1990
Poornitha Kalyani
Thyagu Tamil Movie Actor
DOB: 5 February 1958