Sahadharmini is a daily drama family opera Television soap in Malayalam Language. Sahadharmini is aired on the leading and popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Asianet. Leading Malayalam actress Priyanka is seen playing the leading role of Sahadharmini in this hit Malayalam mega serial titled Sahadharmini. Sahadharmini used to air on the leading and popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Asianet TV in its prime time slot. The serial Sahadharmini got immense response from the audiences and went on to become a hit and successful mega serial in the history of Malayalam television industry. The Malayalam television and film actress Priyanka who essayed the role of the main female protagonist in Sahadharmini got rave reviews for her brilliant acting performance and got offers from films and now she is a leading upcoming starts in the Malayalam movies with few hit Malayalam movies in her kitty. Sahadharmini was directed by director Sudhakar Manglodayam. The word Sahadharmini literally means wife or the better half. As evident from the title of the serial it is about a woman’s journey from being a girl to a wife or better half and how she adjusts herself and mold herself according to the situations, circumstances and challenges that her newly married life presented her and how she accepts them and transforms herself into a new confident self-constitutes the plot of Sahadharmini alongside winning the love of her husband and all his family members.