This show is 2015 Indian, Kannada entertainment and dance reality show. Due to the overwhelming response that Putani Pantru Season 1 received the markers of the show came back with the 2nd season. The show was premiered on the Suvarna channel on 20 June 2015. The motive behind the conceptualization of the show besides entertaining the audience was to find a dancing superstar amongst the kids of the Karnataka and provide them with a platform to showcase their dance skills and become famous.
After rigorous training and several auditions of thousands of children from all over the state, few talented children were hand-picked by the judges for the competition. This children then competed with each other for the elusive trophy which shall be awarded to the winner. For the second season, the audition were held on 16th May at Bengaluru and Chavan and on 17th May at Mangalore and Mysore. The age of the children who participated ranged from five years to thirteen years. The skills of the hand-picked children were further honed and judged by ace choreographer and father of actor, director and a famous dancer, Prabhu Deva Story soon >> Read More... . He was accompanied in his task by famous actress Rakshitha Prem and famous Kannada film director Guru Prasad.
The show was hosted by RJ Niranjan, who used to entertain the audience and the contestants alike with his impeccable humor, comic timing, and host skills. Even this season, much like it's previous season, was loved and admired by the audience. The show aired a total of 36 episodes on the channel. The grand finale of the show was held on Sunday, 18th October 2015. The grand finale, in particular, enjoyed great viewership due to the spectacular performances of all the finalists contestants and ex-contestants alike. To add to the glamor, the grand finale was also graced by the presence of the special guest judge, the famous Muguru Sundaram. In the finale, the audience were also treated to a surprise treat as they saw actress Ragini Dwivedi Ragini is born and brought up in Bangalore. Ragini >> Read More... shake a leg with all kids.
Amongst the five finalists, Sadhawin, a young and talented boy who enthralled the audience with his spectacular and consistent performances, on the finale as well as throughout the season, was declared the winner second season and was awarded with the trophy. The show which enjoyed huge viewership was telecasted on the channel every weekend, on Saturday and Sunday at 8 pm.