This is a Kannada tv serial that aired on Colors super. This is a family drama program made for Kannada viewers. The show aired from Monday to Friday at 6.30 pm and then it was repeated at 12 noon. The show starts with the members of a rich joint family introduces themselves. In this family, there is a grandfather named Jagannath Rao. He is on the death bed and wants to see his grandson getting married to a good woman before he dies. Jeevan is his grandson and a spoiled brat, but he is unable to deny his grandfather's wish and is ready to get married. Jaganath Rao wants to choose his bride and he wants someone from a village who is able to take care of his family. He finds a girl from a small village named Krishna.
On the day of their wedding, Jeevan runs from the marriage hall and everyone got tensed and they are worried that this news is going to give his grandfather a heart attack. But he returns after several attempts made by his family members. They both get married. But soon after her marriage, Krishna realizes that her husband is not what she thinks and doesn't even love her. But to keep his grandfather happy Jeevan behaves like a happily married guy in front of his parents and family members. Jeevan loves a girl named Madhu and wants to get married to her.
When Krishna was wearing Madhu’s saree, Jeevan thought that it was Madhu and expressed his love for her. Now Krishna is confused about whether he loves her or just pretending. Madhu makes plans to humiliate Krishna in front of her family members so that they would throw her out of the house and she can get married to Jeevan. But she fails in all her attempts and Krishna is able to win everyone's heart but not her husband's. Once they both visit a temple. Jeevan asks Madhu to wait for him there and his wife has no idea that he loves some other woman. He asks her to wait in the temple and meets Madhu on their 5 year anniversary. Now it is interesting to watch if she ever finds out who is Madhu and what is her relationship with her husband.
Another Version Of This Serial
“Maneye Mantralaya” is a Kannada TV show, telecasted on “Colors Super.” The show premiered in early 2018, and engaged the viewers with its extraordinary and unique joint family theme.
The story is based on a naive girl, Krishnaveni, played by Pragathi, who gets married to Jeeva, played by Nikhil, belonging to a prosperous joint family. As time passes by, Krishna realizes that her dreams of a happy marriage life will turn into a nightmare as the people around her connive against her.
Shravan made his directorial debut with Maneye Mantralaya. He had played a crucial role in Putta Gowri Madve Season 1.
The story includes many well-known artists like Monika, Roopashree, Marina Tara, Sharmita, Nagraj Rao, Anushree Rao, and other prominent stars.