Fatah ka Fatwa is hosted by a renowned Canadian writer, Tarek Fatwa, who refers to himself as a progressive Muslim and discusses various issues which are at large in the Muslim Community. Such issues include Islamic terrorism, Hijab, child marriage, Kafir, Nikah mut’ah, Nikah Halal, etc. He also explains the various aspects of the Koran, which is the sacred book of Muslims.
The 60-minute show which originally released on 7 January 2017, consists of a total of 15 episodes and airs on the Hindi news channel, Zee News. The sole purpose of the show is entertainment and entertain it does. The journalist, Rohit Sardana Rohit Sardana was a famous Indian Media personalit >> Read More... , introduces Tarak Fatah in the first episode and says that the intent of the show is to shape the thinking and mindset of the people by presenting information based on fact and logic.
Tarek Fatah Tarek Fatah is a journalist and novelist, a Pakist >> Read More... has invited several woman’s rights and social activists on his show, such as Zakia Soman Zakia Soman comes from Ahemdabad, the largest city >> Read More... , Sheeba Aslam Fehmi Sheeba Aslam Fehmi is an Indian writer. She is a f >> Read More... , Lubna Sarwath Lubna Sarwath is an Indian politician, economist, >> Read More... and Shazia Ilmi Shazia Ilmi is an Indian politician. She was born >> Read More... . Arif Mohammad Khan Every time someone talks about great leaders and p >> Read More... , who used to be a cabinet minister in the Union of India, was also one of his guests. Fatah covers various issues throughout the 15 episodes. He starts with a debate on Islamic terrorism in the first episode and then goes on to debate problems such as Hijab, Kafir, triple talaq, the caste system, Nikah Halal, freedom of speech and intolerance at Rekhta, voter fraud via Burqa, Islamic Haj subsidy, adoption in Islam, etc. He ends with a debate on Nikah mut’ah in the last episode. He devotes two episodes to a discussion on Muslim Ulemas and Maulana pressure discussing the problem with Muslim women in the second episode dedicated to the issue. The issue of triple talaq also has two episodes devoted to it.
The debates are heated and often end with Fatah enraging his guests and then being threatened by them. The show started trending on Twitter with the hashtag #FatahKaFatwa and had Indian and Pakistani audiences in the Gulf Arab states, Europe and North America. The show may have a huge audience, but it hurts the sentiments of a lot of people in the Muslim community. The Delhi High Court was approached to halt Fatah ka Fatwa and seize all materials related to it. The views voiced on the show are the views of Tarak Fatah and popular opinion. Despite receiving threats and hate, he has stood his ground and remained unfazed by the backlash.