Sanyukt is a Hindi daily serial which aired on 6th September 2016 on ZEE TV and since then is aired on the same channel from Monday to Friday between 7:30-8:00 pm. It is an Indian family drama; this series is produced by Saregama productions of Rahul Tewari Rahul Tewari is an Indian supporting actor who is >> Read More... . The script was written by Atul Sharma Atul Sharma is an Indian model and film actor, bas >> Read More... and is directed by Amarpreet Chhabra Amarpreet Chabra (full name Amarpreet G.S. Chabra) >> Read More... , Creative Director is Renu Rana Renu Rana is a well-known name for the programming >> Read More... . Currently there is only one season comprising of 180+ episodes.
The character from this series has received an award namely Zee Rishtey Award in the category of favourite father and the name of the recipient is Kiran Kumar Kiran Kumar is an Indian Bollywood actor who has w >> Read More... . The plot of the story seems interesting, it revolves around Mehta clan whose ties among each other are strained and the main aim of the family’s head is to bring all the nuclear family members of the Mehta clan together and resolve all their previous grudges, the family adult or head is named as Govardhan Mehta, he is an orthodox family man who is simple and prefers peace.
He lives with his wife named Ila Mehta and has four sons namely Parimal, Niranjan, Rahul and finally Sameer and has one daughter who is named as Devyani who is married, the family tree continues further into the third generation of grand children who are named as Uday, Palak, Bijal, Nikitha and Punitha. These five complete the family tree of Mr.Mehta as his grandchildren. The sorrow, joy peace and tension among the family members need to be sorted for Mr.Mehta to see all the people of Mehta family clan reunite together and thus the dream would get fulfilled. But whether that is the case or not is yet to be seen.
This show interests all three generations of people, the character development and pacing is yet to be seen; the rating of this show as per Times of India goes about 3.7. It is a fairly popular TV series and is yet to disclose a portion of the storyline. The roles of each character and the sense of tension in the series always makes the viewers interested. The interaction scenes of the family have a mixture of comedy, sorrow and a slice of life feeling which makes this a versatile show, the story that lies ahead will determine the show’s future. Currently its budget and pacing is decent, but there are a few issues with the show rightly so it deserves the rating given to it.