Om Namah Shivay is an Indian drama series, which portrays the Hindu Puranic writings. It features the famous Hindu deity, Shiva and other gods like Sage Narada, Brahma, Shakti and more. It was named after the famous Hindu mantra, Aum Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivay was directed by Dheeraj Kumar Dheeraj Kumar belongs to the era when television w >> Read More... and produced by Zuby Kochhar Zuby Kochhar is an Indian film and television seri >> Read More... under the banner of Creative Eye Creation. It originally aired on DD National channel in year 1997. Om Namah Shivay is a story about Lord Shiva.
It also brings the Hindu divinity to life through a sequence of relevant stories. It started with the making of the universe and the Devas; and then it gave the viewers a glimpse of puranic history like the marriage of Shiva and Sati, the death of Sati, Shiva and Parvati’s marriage, stories that showed religious deeds, battle of the evils, significant devotional events like the making of the 12 Jyotirlinga and the divine blessings of Arjuna,the story that was covered in Mahabharata.
An outstanding effort was put in by everyone involved to make this television serial one of the most unforgettable experiences in every Indian’s life. Dheeraj Kumar, the director of the show, is a devotee of Lord Shiva. It took him 9 years of research to ensure that the story of Om Namah Shivay was complete and precise. However, when the serial was first launched, there were errors made in the series and he apologized for it.
He also stated that apart from the stories that represent the Hindu faith, each episode also contained some part that emphasizes on India’s cultural heritage. The ensemble casts of Om Namah Shivay include Samar Jai Singh Samar was born on September 26, 1966 in Indore, Ma >> Read More... who played Shiva; later on, he was replaced by Yashodhan Rana Yashodhan has been lauded as one among the charact >> Read More... ; Gayatri Shastri Gayatri Shastri is a TV actress who got recognitio >> Read More... portrayed the role of Parvati; Sandeep Mehta No matter what we say, it will be very difficult t >> Read More... as Narada; Manjeet Kullar Manjeet Kullar is an Indian Film and TV actress. S >> Read More... played Sati; Amit Pachori Amit Pachori is a small screen actor known for his >> Read More... acted as Vishnu; Sunil Nagar Sunil Nagar is an Indian film industry actor. He i >> Read More... played Brahma and a lot more.