Dosti Yaariyan Manmarziyan is an Indian drama-based series that airs on the channel Star Plus. The Swastik Productions production house produces the show. The producer of the show is Siddharth Kumar Tewary Siddharth Kumar Tewary was born and raised in Mumb >> Read More... while Pushkar Mahabal Pushkar Mahabal is a director in the Indian film i >> Read More... directs the show. The actors Monica Sehgal Monica Sehgal, known as 'Mehak' among her >> Read More... and Kashmira Irani Kashmira Irani is a popular Indian TV artist who w >> Read More... act as the lead characters of the show. The show highlights the true spirit of Mumbai and two girls who come from opposite backgrounds with their desire to courageously chase a life of their own choice while working in a contemporary office. Radhika and Samira are two girls who come from completely contrasting backgrounds and are good friends with each other. Radhika comes from a reserved yet friendly middle-class family. She is a girl who has a hobby to write.
Samira is a city girl who comes from a family that is affluent. Even though they haven’t forgotten the traditional values and manner, her upbringing makes her the girl of the present. Samira and her mother, Piyali, have a sour relationship after the unfortunate and tragic event of her brother Jay’s death. Neil is a guy who is generally very happy, and he happens to be the chief copywriter of the agency both the work for. Samira suggested Radhika to go and work at the Bird Song, but Radhika’s father, Dilip, is against the idea. Meanwhile, Saral proposes Radhika and both of they become engaged to get married. Radhika gets the job at Bird Song without even having to give an interview. It takes her a long time to adjust to the new environment but Neil always helps her out and manages to cheer her right up.
Samira has a huge fight with her mother. Later she encounters this guy named Arjun who mysteriously joins the ad agency she works for as the business operations head. She initially avoided him a lot, but he wooed her away with his charms. One unusual day, Radhika ends up at a random unknown place with no money with her. When Neil confronts Samira and asks her to choose either him or Arjun. Samira chooses to leave Neil and move out of his house. Radhika, on the other hand, gets kicked out of her house. Samira asks Radhika to stay with her and in no time, the two girls become best friends. Samira came across the offer for a house by Arjun, who wants to give her and Radhika a place to live in only in exchange for going on a date with her. She initially rejects the offer but then thinks it over and agrees to it because both Samira and Radhika need a place to stay. Samira confides her issues with her mother in Radhika. Radhika tries to help Samira out. Both the girls deal with continuous issues that keep coming across their lives together.