The Almighty Johnsons is a fantasy tv show, created in New Zealand by James Griffin and Rachel Lang. The show is a comedy-drama series that started on 7 February 2011. The show was produced by South Pacific Pictures. The show airs on channel TV3. The success of the show made its producers renew the show for a 2nd and then 3rd season. The second season premiered in 2012 and the third premiered on 4th July 2013. It had 13 episodes in the 3rd season.
The story is about the Johnson family, who had different god-like powers. They don't know how to control their power and relied on their 21-year-old brother Axl Johnson played by Emmett Skilton.
In the 3rd season, Gaia is still in love with Axl. He proposes to Gaia and she accepts, but other gods afraid of this reunion manage to keep them apart. Dawn, a female, visits Ty, learns how to make a cupcake recipe. Gaia tells that to Axl, he goes to kill Anders, but he hides. Then Mike tries to make peace with whole family members. Gaia tells Axl that she is going to London. Axl starts drinking and fails his course due to a lack of attendance.
Mike calls a meeting to sort out Axl and Andes problems where Axl drinks heavily snd tries to commit suicide. Mike gives Axl a job to work in his bar; he tries to kill himself but then decides not to. Axl destroys the bar forcing Mike and his brother to move to his mother's place. Later they learn that Jonah is their father and is a sea god. Her mother throws a party to celebrate the reunion. They play a cricket game and get into a fight. Jonah tells Axl he should call Odin. He goes to talk to Amelia. She stabs Axle, but he doesn't feel a thing because he is doing it. Jonah takes him to the hospital. He leaves the hospital. Mike almost gets killed trying to raise money, and Axl is lost in a bar.
Axl goes back to Norsroad and meets Mike and receives a note sent to Odin. They both leave from Lordswood. Axl starts searching for Frigg and mike tries to play a bet, but somehow he wins. It is interesting to see if Axl finds Frigg and if Axl and Anders ever forgive each other and if Mike gets his bar back.Â