True Detective Season 1 is an HBO TV Series. The TV series is a Crime Drama Television series of America. This is an English TV series premiered on 12th January 2014. The season 1 has a total of 8 episodes. Episode 1 was The Long Bright Dark. Rustin Cohle and Martin Hart start investigating a murder of a 28 year old prostitute, Dora Lange. Her body is found in a certain pose as if she was praying, she has a crown of deer antlers on her head, and her dead body has bird traps surrounding her. Around that same time news has come that a child has been chased by a green-eared spaghetti monster through the woods. Both Cohle and Hart had once encountered the Lange murder case 17 years ago about which they never spoke. And this new murder draws some resemblance with that case. In 1985 things turn out bitter between Hart and Cohle and Cohle finds that Hart is cheating on his wife Maggie.
Governor’s cousin Billy indulges a police task force into suspecting the anti-Christian crime and Lange murder case. Hart and, Cohle find Lange’s diary which has refrence to ellow King and Carsoca. Also, they find a human figure wearing the deer antlers painted on a wall. Now in their present, in 2012, Cohle remembers his daughter’s accident, his divorce and falling into this job of a detective. Hart and Maggie have got divorced as well. The show goes back in 1995 where both Hart and Cohle came to know that Lange was seen at Church with a man who is tall and has a distinctive scarring. Cohle drives some refrence of the Lange case to the Olivier case. The story of the serial continues with finding a locked room to finding people who are there, the connection between the cases. In 2002 Hart reconciles with Maggie again and Cohle also starts dating. They search houses which are considered haunted and continue the search of the scarred man. Cohle finds that man and he visits his place where they see Errol also.
Cohle there finds an idol which is drapped in a yellow colored cloth and is covered with skulls. Errol attacks Cohle. In this fight Errol gets killed and Cohle and Hart get admitted to a hospital. Maggie pays a visit to Hart with their daughter which breaks him down. Cohle also finds the earning and purpose of his life in all these difficulties. The cast of the season one includes Matthew McConaughey Matthew McConaughey is an American actor. He was b >> Read More... as Cohle, Woody Harrelson Woody Harrelson is an American activist and a popu >> Read More... as Hart, Michelle Monaghan Michelle Lynn Monaghan is an actress from America. >> Read More... as Maggie, Miachael Potts as Maynard Gilbough and Tony Kittles as Thomas. The TV series has a huge number of followers.