“Rajjotok” is a Bengali romantic drama serial that aired on Zee Bangla on 7th April 2014. Produced by Surinder Films, the serial focuses on the story of a young woman named ‘Bonnie’. Newly turned adult, Bonnie is a unique woman who has a very bubbly personality and is interested in the filmy world. She is also enthusiastic and wants to be an independent woman. In her wish to do so, she runs away from the house only to get unknowingly married to a poor simpleton named Shekhar. Shekhar is nothing like the many ' Heroes Click to look into! >> Read More... ' she sees on television or the big screen.
On the contrary, Shekhar is a fellow Bengali man who belongs to a poor family but has a good heart. He's portrayed as an honest and kind-hearted gentleman who appreciates the culture and hard work. When Bonnie and Shekhar get married, her life takes a sudden new turn and she begins to learn and appreciate the little things in life. Having been brought up in a very rich and influential family she struggles to adjust to her new home but eventually finds a friend in Shekhar. However, her father is furious and gets hell-bent on freeing his daughter from the reigns of the poor family which he considers stupid and of a lower class. Bonnie, on the other hand, refuses to leave considering that she has finally found her freedom and eventually falls in love with Shekhar. Together they face the many obstacles that are thrown in their way.