Robot Wars – Lohe Ka Waar was a Hindi dubbed version of the original BBC series Robot Wars. The series aired on the kid's channel, Pogo in India. The show originally ran from 2001 to 2004 on various BBC channels. The show was revolutionary when it started airing and attracted audiences around the United Kingdom. It was also instrumental in popularizing robot fighting which led to numerous competitions and other successful series throughout the world. The show was hosted by numerous people –
Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson was born on 11 A >> Read More...
Jonathan Pearce
Jonathan Mark Pearce is a British football comment >> Read More...
Craig Charles
Craig Charles is an English actor, author, poet, p >> Read More...
, etc. The show also had a panel of judges who were to decide a result in case the normal competition could not declare the winner. The show also employed commentators who coined some popular phrases like ‘3, 2, 1, Activate!’ and ‘Cease!’ As the name suggests, Robot Wars involved human made robots that fought amongst each other until one of them wins.
The robots competed in various kinds of rounds in each episode until a winner was declared. Each season had a slight variation of the rules, but overall the format remained the same. The fight occurred between two robots in an arena constructed for the fight. The arena consisted of space to move and fight as well as various obstacles and challenges. The arena had many modifications, and special zones called hazards which proved harmful to the robots. The hazards were constantly changed and evolved. The arena also had special house robots that were stronger and overpowered the robots easily. They attacked the competing robots when they set into a specific part of the arena. The robots were subjected to various rules and restrictions to make the competition fair. Robots had to abide by limits on weight, weapons allowed, move speed, etc. The fight between robots also had rules.
A robot loses if it is immobile for a long period, it flips over or falls into the Pit of Oblivion. If this did not declare a winner, the judgment was ruled by the panel. They awarded scores to the robots based on different aspects – Aggression, Damage, Style, and Control. Aggression included a robot’s tendency to fight and attack, Damage included how much damage the robot dealt, Style was how the robot behaved, and Control meant how the operator controlled and how the robot responded to various hazards around him. Each episode contained lots of battles between robots in various heats and elimination rounds. Each season had a different format. However, the finalists competed in elimination style match to crown a winner