Mirakkel is an Indian reality show that was aired on Zee Bangla. It is hosted by Mir Afsar Ali Mir Afsar Ali is an Indian Radio Jockey, televisio >> Read More... and directed by Subhankar Chattopadhyay Subhankar Chattopadhyay is one of the eminent pers >> Read More... . Produced by Subhankar Chattopadhyay Productions, the show brings stand-up comedians into the limelight. The judging panel for the show included Paran Bandyopadhyay, Sreelekha Mitra Sreelekha Mitra is an eminent and versatile actres >> Read More... , and Rajatava Dutta Rajatava Dutta is an actor in the Indian film indu >> Read More... . The musical group Bandage, which includes Dwaipayan Saha, Nitin Mani, Suman Sinha, Koushik, Subhajit Sarkar, and Saurav Bhattacharya, handles the show's musical composition. The Times of India has announced Mirakkel as "one of the most popular shows on Bengali television.”
The Bengali reality show gives a platform for top stand-up comedians from West Bengal and Bangladesh. The 9th season commenced on December 10, 2015. It was wonderfully hosted by Ali alongside the regular judges. Mentors like Krishnendu Chatterjee, Arnab Karmakar, Sangeet Tewari, Ishtiak Nasir, Shawon Majumder, and Iman Chakraborty gave many tips and tricks to the contestants. Aditya Sarkar, Raktima Das, and Suman Gayen were announced as winners for this season. Special guests for the show included Indrani Haldar, Rachna Banerjee, Anupam Roy, Saheb Chatterjee, Sidhartha Sankar "Sidhu" Ray from the band Cactus, and Raj Chakraborty Raj Chakroborty is an Indian film director who >> Read More... . Some mesmerizing performances were delivered by Rudranil Ghosh Rudranil Ghosh was born on 6th January in the year >> Read More... and Kanchan Mullick Kanchan Mullick is a famous Bengali actor who has >> Read More... . The beautiful mixture of humor, talent, and musical touch makes the show all the more entertaining to watch!