Thimiram is a Malayalam drama-based film. In the movie, through the perspective of a blind man, the filmmakers presented the issue of gender difference prevalent in the society. Shivaram Mony is the director of the film. He also wrote the script. Unni Madavur produced the movie. Nazim Rani Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Ramu Sunil Bio coming soon... >> Read More... are the associate directors. Ajay C. Krishna designed the costumes. Andrin Issac handled the designs. The cast includes G. Suresh Kumar Suresh Kumar is a producer cum actor working in th >> Read More... , Ameya Mathew Ameya Mathew or initially known as Chinchu Mathew, >> Read More... , Meera Nair Meera Nair is a prominent actress in the Malayalam >> Read More... , Vishak Nair Vishak Nair was born on 25th April 1992 in Cochin, >> Read More... , Rachana Narayanankutty Rachana Narayanankutty born on April 4, 1983 is po >> Read More... , and K.K. Sudhakaran. Mruthul Vishwanath Di handled the cinematography. Anoop Thilak Bio coming soon... >> Read More... dealt with the soundtrack. Sajeev Kothamangalam is an art director in the film. Kjaz Keezhppayyur and Radhakrishnan Prabhakaran dealt with the lyrics.
The story's plot revolves around an older man who has a severe eye problem. He is suffering from cataracts. The beginning of the story is a flashback. Two children, one girl, and one boy, are on the screen. Their mother gave them fish. But the boy gets two, and the girl gets one. Their mother says that it’s enough for the girl. The girl child helped her mother in all the household chores. However, her brother just wonders around. The story was in flashbacks memories of an older man, Sudhakaran. He suffers from cataracts and is unable to see correctly.
Even in this condition, his behavior towards women around him is evil. His disease doesn’t change his habits. He tease some local women workers and a widow who runs the grocery story alone. He harasses them. He behaves very severely towards his daughter in law too. She doesn’t brought much dowry during marriage. He ask her to keep her shoes at the bottom shelf in shoe rack as he believes that women are inferior than man. His cataract became a metaphor for his blindness. The story then shifts to his son named, Ram. He is a screenwriter. Despite his father’s poor behaviour towards women around him, he is loyal towards him and respect him.
Star performance
The main character of the story is Sudhakaran’s character. He is an older man of seventy years old who mistreats the women around him. KK Sudhakaran Bio coming soon... >> Read More... played the character in his movie. He showed Sudhakaran as a misogynist. His acting skills were excellent. The balance between the emotions of the character is fantastic. Another essential character is the daughter-in-law. Meera Nair played her character. Despite receiving disrespect from her husband’s father, she helped him in financially challenging times by giving her gold jewelry. Meera did impressive work by acting consistently throughout the film.
Other supporting cast includes G. Suresh Kumar, Ameya Mathew, Vishak Nair, and Rachana Narayanankutty. They have delivered problematic performance.
Thimiram in English means Cataract. The movie revolves around a seventy-year-old man, Sudhakaran. Despite his blindness, he poorly behaves towards the women around him. The storyline of the film is fantastic. It showed the idea of male chauvinism openly. The movie harshly comments on the gender difference prevailing in the society. The character of Sudhakaran is intensely planned and executed. The actor KK Sudhakaran has delivered a fantastic role. The unique thing about the movie is that it is full of irony. Despite Sudhakaran’s treatment towards women, the female characters in the movie are independent and matured. For instance, his daughter in law helped him when he was facing financial problems, the female worker who takes care of Sudhakaran doesn’t let him mistreat her, her wife sacrifices herself for her husband.
However, the concept of the film is brilliant. The movie is divided into three parts. While two parts are amazing, third part doesn’t match with the rest of the movie. Therefore, the execution of the script was average, it could have been better. The movie’s script is realistic and unique. Moreover, the film has a fantastic cinematography. The soundtracks are also intense and inspiring. It perfectly depicts various themes of the film.
What's there?
What's not there?
Thimiram is must watch movie. It presents a commentary on the prevailing gender differences in the society. It is a one-time watch.