Plot: The movie is a loose biopic about Minuguthaare Kalpana, Kannada's yesteryears actress played by Pooja Gandhi Pooja Gandhi is a famous actress in the Kannada fi >> Read More... . Her rise and fall are both captured. The movie begins with a young girl who wishes to become a film star. When she sets on to follow her dream, she's taken aback by the number of film personalities wanting sexual favours from her to project her talent. Soon, however, she finds fame. This makes her arrogant, and this slowly begins to affect her life. Her popularity which had reached its peak is now slowly falling and it hits rock bottom. Things start going very miserable, and she eventually ends her life. The movie is a tragic tale of a legend.
Analysis: Mungaru Male fame actress Pooja Gandhi has done a commendable job in her home production. She has performed well and shown the harsh reality of cinema behind the curtains. Atul Kulkarni Atul Kulkarni was born in the year 1965 in Karnata >> Read More... was brilliant on screen, as well. The only complaint lies with the dubbing - a true Kannada feel isn't achieved because the dubbing artist had a northern accent. Makarand Deshpande Makarand Deshpande is an Indian actor and director >> Read More... is wrongly cast and wasn't convincing at all. The cinematography is commendable, with the cinematographer presenting the old colours well digitally. The songs are a good listen too. The first half has good speed and is fast narrative. The real lag begins with the second half, which is a real drag.
Star Performances: The lead role was played by Pooja Gandhi, but Atul Kulkarni, Ravishankar, Makarand Deshpande and Achyuth Kumar The movie was produced by Pooja and Jyothi Gandhi under the Pooja Gandhi Productions banner. Sathish Pradhan was the director. Sathish Pradhan did the story, the screenplay, wrote the dialogues and also penned lyrics for a few songs.
Naa Nimma Rambhe, Thamnam Thamnam, Navirada Nalume and Ninna kanninolage are the songs in the movie, most of which were sung by Shreya Ghoshal Shreya Ghoshal, one of the most famous singers in >> Read More... , Shaan and Sonu Nigam Sonu Nigam is a renowned Bollywood singer and comp >> Read More... . Mano Murthy Mano Murthy was born in Bangalore in Karnataka, In >> Read More... was the music director. K M Prakash was the editor. The cinematography was by K S Chandrashekar. Chinni Prakash Chinni Prakash is an Indian choreographer, actor, >> Read More... was the choreographer.
What's there?
1. Pooja is an amazing lead actress, and she does complete justice to the role of depicting a famous yesteryears actress.
2. Atul Kulkarni is the second best thing in the show. He has a very promising career.
What's not there?
1. Editing is not up to the mark. The movie could've fared better had the editing been crisper.
2. Pooja Gandhi dubbing her own voice turns disastrous for the movie, as it gives her Kannada a northern accent, ruining most parts of the movie.
Verdict: The film, while not very informing or inspiring, still works as a great entertainer. Some of Indian's best singers have sung the songs in the movie, and this takes one on a nostalgic trip.