The opposition parties have decided to bring a no-confidence motion on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Today, a session has been arranged to discuss the no-confidence motion. Biju Janata Dal, which has 20 MPs announced that they would not participate in the discussion session. The Telugu Desam Party stated that the
Narendra Modi
government cheated them by not fulfilling the promises made at the time of alliance. The voting on no-confidence motion will start today at 6 pm, announced Sumitra Mahajan, the Speaker. Totally there are 535 members in the Lok Sabha. The BJP has 274, Shiv Sena has 18 and LJP has 6, SAD has 4. Congress has 63, ADMK has 37, TMC has 34, BJD has 20, TDP has 16 and TRS has 11 members. ADMK had said that they would support BJP and Shiv Sena too said the same. Probably, the No-confidence motion would be a failure, stated one of the ruling party leaders.