,” the actress who impressed the Kollywood with Angadi Theru, Engeyum Eppodhum and Kattradhu Tamil has been the favorite actress in Tollywood too. She has been working on a Malayalam movie titled “Rosappoo” directed by
Vinu Joseph
Biju Menon
Neeraj Madhav
share the screen space with Anjali. She will be next seen in Tamil in “
” with “
” and
Janani Iyer
. The film which is slated for the theatrical release on 29th December is directed by Sinish. Jai has played a dual role and in one of the roles, he sells balloons. Anjali says that their roles in Balloon are completely different from that of Engeyum Eppodhum, although both the films have a romance between them in common. When asked about marriage, Anjali said that as she has a few films to wrap up, she could not think about the marriage. She had won the state awards for Telugu films and now the actress dreams to grab a national award. So, she has been searching for performance-oriented scripts. Anjali plays in “
” directed by Ram Subramaniam, which has “
” in the lead. She will also be seen in “
” with
Vijay Antony
and Kanbathu Poi.