“Santhanam,” the comedian turned hero, stopped doing the films as the second hero and has been working in a couple of solo hero movies. At present, his Sakka Podu Podu Raja directed by Sethuraman is getting released. The film will be a competitor to “
” and “Nayantara” movie “Velaikaran” directed by
Mohan Raja
. Sakka Podu Podu Raja produced by
VTV Ganesh
has “
” as the music director.
Vaibhavi Shandilya
pairs Santhanam. Santhanam and the team have been promoting the film well. In their latest promotion, they have questioned the audiences, “How many films did Santhanam play with Thala Thalapathy?” The person who answers right would be getting the audio message from Santhanam. Besides this film, Santhanam has
Server Sundaram
and Mannavan Vandhanadi on the cards. Server Sundaram is almost wrapped up and is waiting for the release. Mannavan Vandhanadi is directed by “
.” We hope the film will showcase Santhanam in a different perception.