The ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan was arrested wrongly in the year 1994 by the Kerala Police. He had been trying to prove his innocence for the past 24 years and now the Supreme Court declared him as innocent and announced a monetary compensation to the scientist. It also ordered to investigate how far the Kerala police had involved in the case and arrested him. The scientist gets the compensation of Rs 50 lakh and following this verdict actor “
R Madhavan
” posted on his Twitter, the verdict “#BREAKING | Supreme Court grants Rs 50 lakh compensation to scientist Nambi Narayan for being arrested by Kerala police 24 years ago after being implicated in ISRO Spy Case, reports ANI” and captioned it as, “And IT IS HERE ...FINAL VINDICATION AND A NEW BEGINNING. Just the beginning.#RocketrytheNambieffect.” The reason behind this is Maddy has signed doing the biopic of Nambi Narayanan. The film will be shot in three languages and it will be directed by
Anant Mahadevan
. The film has been titled as “Rocketry: The Nambi Effect.” It will be shot in Tamilnadu and the US. The story will revolve around the scientist between his ages 27 and 90.