“Nassar,” the legendary actor has three sons. His second son Luthfudeen Baasha is an upcoming actor. Nassar’s elder son Abdul Asan Faisal stuck in a road accident, a couple of years back and now has been recovering. He is an ardent fan of Thalapathi “
.” Recently, Vijay met him and took a selfie with him. Vijay – Faisal selfie is the profile picture of “Nassar” and his wife, Kameela Nassar. Now, Faisal has pasted a sticker on the back of his car and it is nothing than Vijay’s next film title. Yes, Faisal has written “Mersal” at the back of his car and Nassar and Kameela posted it on their Twitter page. They posted the car picture and captioned it as “Faizal's #Mersal fever starts! @actorvijay @Atlee_dir @ThenandalFilms.”