On Monday, a circular from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting made every journalist turn red. It was said that the accreditation of the journalists or the organizations would be suspended or canceled if they generate fake news. This created a huge controversy among the Press, Media and the opposition parties. Today,
Narendra Modi
, the Prime Minister of India, canceled the circular from the MIB and said that the fake news issue would be addressed by the Press Council of India. After Modi’s order, Smriti Irani, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting tweeted, “PIB Accreditation Guidelines asking Press Council of India & News Broadcasters Association to define & act against ‘fake news’ have generated debate. Several journalists & organisations have reached out giving positive suggestions regarding the same. .@MIB_India is more than happy to engage with journalist body or organisation/s wanting to give suggestions so that together we can fight the menace of ‘fake news’ & uphold ethical journalism. Interested journalists and/or organisations may feel free to meet me at @MIB_India.”