“Kargil” is the upcoming film directed by Sivani Senthil. It is produced by his wife, Subha Senthil. The film has Jishnu as the hero. Recently, the audio launch was held and the songs were released by “Kalaipuli S Thanu.” The film has only one character. It is a travel movie. The hero Jishnu travels from Chennai to Bangalore in a car, after a petty fight with his lover. The movie will not make the audiences feel bored and it has all the entertainment elements, says Sivani Senthil. At the audio launch Gypsy Rajkumar, the director of Ayyanar Veethi, featuring “
K Bhagyaraj
” shared his experiences while releasing the film. He said that the theater owners don’t support the producers and that is why many films suffer losses. If a biggie movie releases, the theater owners suddenly stop screening the small films and shift to the biggies, stated Rajkumar.