Kaala Karikalan, the film directed by Pa Ranjith, has Superstar “
” in the titular role. The film has received a mixed response at the box office. But, its Chennai collection stuns. The first-weekend collection of Kaala is Rs 6.64 crores from 765 shows. On the first day, the film collected Rs 1.76 crores and on the second day, it made Rs 1.44 crore. Saturday Kaala collected Rs 1.70 crore and on Sunday it earned Rs 1.74 crore in Chennai. But, on Monday it could only collect Rs. 59 lakhs and the total Chennai collection is Rs. 7.23 crores. Kaala’s Tamilnadu collection is said to be Rs. 47.1 crore. Next to Kaala, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom has collected Rs. 69.41 lakhs. As there are no significant movie releases, this weekend, the collection of Kaala might continue in a positive way, says a report. However, we have to wait and watch!