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ICMR Announces The Total Number Of SARS CO-V2 Positive Cases!

Monday, March 23rd, 2020
ICMR Announces The Total Number Of SARS CO-V2 Positive Cases!

Indian Council of Medical Research announced today that there are nearly 415 positive cases of SARS CO-V2. They have taken 18383 samples from 17493 people. The results were out today at 10 am. As the positive cases had been jumped to a high all of a sudden, the public is requested to stay safe at home and follow the government directives. A lot of people have started moving to their native places after the issue turns serious. But, the Indian PM announced that if the people stay wherever they are, unnecessary virus spread could be avoided.

The state government has also announced that if any traveler doesn’t follow the suggestions by the government, they have to face the law. It’s our duty to abide by the rules and stay safe! Keeping away from the public gatherings and following the right quarantine methods, would help us to stop spreading the coronavirus.