Gautham Menon had been boosting up the new talents and brought their potential to the world of cinema. Although he had some bitter experiences in the recent days, the director is getting ready to introduce a new director. It is none other than the music director Darbuka Siva. Siva composed the music for the film Enai Nokki Paayum Thotta with “Dhanush” directed by Gautham Menon. Gautham Menon will present the film directed by Darbuka Siva. The film will be produced by All In Pictures and White Bucket Productions. He posted about the casting call by the team. For the new film, the youngsters between 18 and 27 are invited for the audition. The interested people are suggested to send their photo and an introduction selfie video of them via
[email protected]. Gautham had already presented “Veppam” directed by Anjana and Thanga Meenkal by Ram Subramanian.