“D Jayakumar,” the Tamilnadu Fisheries Minister, stated that the culprits in the Gutka case would definitely be punished. When asked about the fuel price hike, D Jayakumar said that the hike couldn’t be accepted and there are a lot of ways for the central government to hike the tax, but the state government has a few means. He also stated that the government had spent Rs. 77,000 crores for the low-income groups and this is not a big thing for the central government, said the Minister. He also says that the ADMK government’s request is to cut down the fuel price to half of the price, which is prevailing now. D Jayakumar also stated against the Supreme Court verdict that homosexuality is against nature. He also stated that the ADMK government would take essential measures regarding the seven prisoners in the Rajiv Gandhi Assassination case.
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“D Jayakumar,” the Tamilnadu Fisheries Minister, stated that the culprits in the Gutka case would definitely be punished. When asked about the fuel price hike, D Jayakumar said that the hike couldn’t be accepted and there are a lot of ways for the central government to hike the tax, but the state government has a few means. He also stated that the government had spent Rs. 77,000 crores for the low-income groups and this is not a big thing for the central government, said the Minister. He also says that the ADMK government’s request is to cut down the fuel price to half of the price, which is prevailing now. D Jayakumar also stated against the Supreme Court verdict that homosexuality is against nature. He also stated that the ADMK government would take essential measures regarding the seven prisoners in the Rajiv Gandhi Assassination case.