,” the smart star kid made his debut in Baana Kaathadi, directed by Badri Venkatesh. Now, he is gearing up for the release of his next film, Semma Botha Aagathey. The action thriller entertainer is directed by Atharvaa’s debut film director Badri and the film has “
” an
Anaika Soti
as the female leads. Atharvaa produced the film under his home banner, Kickass Entertainment.
Yuvan Shankar Raja
composed the songs and the background score of Semma Botha Aagathey. The shooting had been wrapped up and the post-production works are going on. The latest update is that the film will hit the marquee on 29th March. Atharvaa has a series of films to release. After Semma Botha Aagathey, he will be seen in Rukkumani Vandi Varudhu,
Imaikkaa Nodigal
, Othaikku Othai and “