“Kanaka” is the upcoming film scripted and directed by “
R Chandru
.” The film has
Duniya Vijay
in the lead role. “
” plays the female lead. The film has Yuga Chandru, the director in a pivotal role. Yuga Chandru says that he has been in the film industry for the past 17 years and this is the first time, he makes his debut as a full-time actor. He had played in small roles in the films while he was an assistant director and also did cameo roles in his own direction. Yuga Chandru also says that he had already quit his filmmaking. In Kanaka, Yuga Chandru plays the brother to P Ravishankar. He says that he had been looking lean when the director approached him to do a role in the film. After signing the film, Yuga Chandru had to work out to put up weight for the negative role. Yuga Chandru says that as a filmmaker, he hadn’t had any success and so, he has been aiming to achieve success as an actor. We wish you all the best, Yuga Chandru, Sir!