Darshan Thoogudeep has a great fan following in Karnataka. There are many people to celebrate Darshan as their friends, son, and brother. Now, Darshan’s personal life makes his public image to destroy gradually. Earlier in 2011, Darshan was jailed for 14 days for assaulting his wife and son. Somehow, they compromised and started living together. Now, the storm started to blow again, when Darshan went to his wife’s apartment and beat the security guard. His wife made a police complaint regarding this and pleaded the cops to give protection to her and son. She asked the police, to advise Darshan to change his unruly behavior. It is heard that Darshan doubts his wife that she has some boyfriend. His wife Vijayalakshmi publicly announced that she doesn’t have any boyfriend, and she is living, for her son only. It is also said that many of Darshan’s properties are registered in his wife’s name and hence he is complaining about her behavior. But, Darshan and Viji concern about their son, Vineesh. When will these verbal fights come to an end? Sources close to Darshan says Vijayalakshmi is a good natured lady. Hope, Darshan would not want to damage his image and go smoothly with Viji!
Listen to "War Between Challenging Star Darshan And Vijayalakshmi!"
Darshan Thoogudeep has a great fan following in Karnataka. There are many people to celebrate Darshan as their friends, son, and brother. Now, Darshan’s personal life makes his public image to destroy gradually. Earlier in 2011, Darshan was jailed for 14 days for assaulting his wife and son. Somehow, they compromised and started living together. Now, the storm started to blow again, when Darshan went to his wife’s apartment and beat the security guard. His wife made a police complaint regarding this and pleaded the cops to give protection to her and son. She asked the police, to advise Darshan to change his unruly behavior. It is heard that Darshan doubts his wife that she has some boyfriend. His wife Vijayalakshmi publicly announced that she doesn’t have any boyfriend, and she is living, for her son only. It is also said that many of Darshan’s properties are registered in his wife’s name and hence he is complaining about her behavior. But, Darshan and Viji concern about their son, Vineesh. When will these verbal fights come to an end? Sources close to Darshan says Vijayalakshmi is a good natured lady. Hope, Darshan would not want to damage his image and go smoothly with Viji!