“Ira” is the upcoming film of Harikrishna, the debutant director. The shooting of the film has started today with the leads
Raj Vardhan
Krishi Thapanda
and “
Vasishta N Simha
.” Sanjeev Khasnes produce the film on a large scale. Billed to be a suspense thriller, Ira is scripted by the director Harikrishna. Besides penning the story and directing, the director has written the screenplay too. Being a suspense thriller, the shooting has been planned mainly in the nights. Judah Sandy composes the music and Giri Gowda cranks the camera.
Pawan Wadeyar
, the acclaimed director, presents the film. Pawan has been highly expecting the release of his film,
Nataraja Service
. The film features with “
Mayuri Kyatari
and “P. Ravi Shankar.” Stay glued with us for the latest updates on Sandalwood!